Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Learning to make use of what you have

Being a new media student I am quite lucky to be allowed the use of a broad range of programs. Pretty much everything from 3D programs, to Adobe Premiere and most recently, Macromedia's Flash. Which isn't bad of a program. In fact, quite fun to play with.

One of my introductions to flash was to get the hang of the actual drawing of objects in the program. This made me happy. I get to draw in class even if its on the computer its still drawing. So I drew a girl and gave her a particular style and then thought she needed some colour to give her some life. For some reason I'm reminded of Stephen Silver when I look at it. Of course, I could say that as far as my more illustrated work goes, he is an influence among some others. What people may be familar with is Kim Possible. Mr. Silver did that.

The above drawing was pretty quick and done with my mouse. So either I've gotten more control with using my mouse or Flash is really that much easier. I'm hoping its the former as that would be splendid to note. I would have used the tablet, but since I was at school I didn't exactly have free range of a tablet pen.
And speaking of tablets. My world would be complete if only I could manage to afford a Cintiq. I don't exactly have $3000 though. My parents wouldn't go for that either.

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